Saturday, October 18, 2008


I was gonna choose 5 people. Then I was gonna choose 9 people. Both times Willy "Bluntz" Lee would have being on the list. If not on the top of the list. I have being hearing a lot of positive things about his love of Jah's greatest gift. It makes me proud.

Brendan, would not have being on any of the list's. I hear he is voting for McCain. No amount of weed can take that taste out of my mouth.

Rory "R2 420" Cocksworth you would have being on both lists. Your uncanny way of getting stoned and curling into a fetal position to watch the Star Wars Trilogy. Priceless. Miss Chloe told me.... your blunt smoking 40 drinking days of San Francisco will return to you when you hit 30. You can't wait, I can't wait, and the world can't wait.

The only person I could think to be deserving enough of this honor is Danny "Got my hand on my Bong cause you know i'm straight tripping" Johnson. Danny is plowing through weed. Imagine Danny is Pac Man and the little yellow dots represent Weed, a lot of weed, and the ghosts, well they represent Sobriety. So Danny is running around life trying not to get by caught by sobriety. But Danny is amazing he never gets caught. Danny I am very proud of you and everything you have accomplished in the weed smoking world.

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