Sunday, March 1, 2009

Fuck you Yelp!

Rosie R.

Menlo Park, CA
3 star rating

Here's a little quiz for you:

You walk into a store. The 20-something clerks are laughing at a blaring comedy. You browse the aisles alone, and nobody approaches you. You hear other customers asking questions that are met by: "I have no idea." You take your merchandise to the register, where the clerk yawns loudly in your face without covering his mouth, then almost silently rings up your order, except for a "What the fuck?" when one of the items doesn't scan. Then he throws the receipt down and you're on your way. You were at:

A. a video store in a suburban strip mall
B. a mini mart in a suburban strip mall
C. a fine liquor store in the fine city of San Francisco

Now it's a good thing that I knew what I wanted and was able to locate it on my own. Yes, their selection is good. But I imagine that if I had been a new customer who needed some help, or someone who's easily offended by the "too cool for a job" model of customer service, I would've been so put off I would have never returned.

1 comment:

Wiley said...

wow, so serious billy