Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Who's on the couch?

Living in San Francisco is crazy! I come in contact with so many skateboarding "legends", they are usually black out drunk, not skating, and just being all around low life's. I have come home to numerous "names" on my couch, kitchen, roof or just passed out on my floor. This is usually awesome, but sometimes it is kinda gnarly. Which is great if you like crazy stories like I do. Here is one for you kids.... I recently switched rooms with my Roommate, so I'm just chillin with my lady friend in my new room, when I hear a knock at my bedroom door. I open the door to a very intoxicated Mr. Sargent, I won't use a full name, so I say "Oh, Herro Danny",not gotimer, he looks at me and goes "Where is Jay? You guys switched rooms?", I explain the whole story to him, he seems not to notice or care and just tells me jay said he could crash on the couch, sounds logical, so he goes to the couch and I go back to my room, about 4 minutes later I hear this faint knocking sound on my door, weird, I open the door and Danny is like "hey man can I borrow a lighter", so I give him a lighter and tell him to just leave it on the coffee table, I need my lighter for bong hits in the morning, so I go to bed, I wake up the next morning bright and early to go to work, I walk in the living room to get my lighter, sure enough my new roommate is on the couch, I ask him how he slept, he explains that he has being freezing all night, being a good host I set up a space heater, so I am walking out the door when I notice that the window above my front door has being smashed in, there is glass everywhere, I thought it was my neighbors being mad at us and taking revenge, but nope, the story is Danny got up in a drunken stupor, thought he had locked himself out of my house and tried to tap the window above my door with his board to get someones attention, instead it just shattered the window into a million piece's, at some point he realized the door wasn't locked let himself back in and passed out on the couch forgetting what he had done, he slept till 9 the next night, now that is how you party.

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