Monday, July 6, 2009

Julie put down the blog and walk away.

Julie, what the fuck happened? One second your slamming whiskey like water, next thing I know your writing the best blog posts I have seen all year.
key points:

Tina turner is the Shit. This is true. Ike beat that girl up, but she kept on fighting. Now look at her. Sex Appeal at 83. Sorry Tina, 61.

Your right, a lot of people do have to work. I work. All of your friends work. Dolly Parton is a working girl, just like us. Awesome! I once took acid and went to work. It was a lot like that Dolly Parton video, amazing, you should try it.

"I dont give a shit you fucking Pussies" is this directed to Adam Green or just Pussies?

I'm really sorry. I think I started you on that rant. I didn't tell you that I didn't want to hear about your Job, I just said mine was awful in a different way, I also said that I was gonna blog about it but it just made me mad. But to make it up to you I found photos of dogs with the dogs sayin funny things. I hope you like it.


ps. I think it is really gross you let Ben make out with a girl in your house, just think of what kinda germs could come of a thing like that.

They happen to make a lot of these in Germany.


Morgsian said...

Billy this is the best blog post you have ever written! I laughed for five minutes and only about half of the credit can be awarded to the doggies.

Candypants said...

i love you billy! i wasn't mad about actually anything i think the whiskey just made me really want people to know how much i love tina turner.